Books, Books, Books!

Our book collection is both growing (thanks to new donations) and shrinking (as members lay claim to books). If you would like one of the books, please contact Barbara Nutley-Hunter at Pickup or delivery can be arranged or you can receive your book the next time we are able to meet for Saturday Snips.

Click here to see a list of our books.

SOFAAR Member Sam Norgard and International Beading Week

The Beadworkers Guild of the UK is sponsoring INTERNATIONAL BEADING WEEK.  SOFAAR member Prof. Sam Norgard, of the Savannah College of Art and Design, has been selected by The Beadworkers Guild of the UK as a Guest Ambassador.

Complete information may be found at:

Event Details: The Black and White Together Project Team’s goal, led by Prof. Norgard, will collect from Makers around the world numerous black and white warped squares made with size 11 black and white Delicas.  They will then assemble the works into one connected piece.  Hundreds of warped squares, representing Makers of various ethnicities, are envisioned!  It is their hope by offering these sessions, pre-recorded, on-line, that it will enable ease of access to Makers around the world allowing them to easily fit viewing into their schedules.

Warped square instructional video and all pattern instructions will be accessible on line.

During the week of July 27 – July 31 – each day Makers can access a pre-recorded session that will provide 25 minutes of instruction and demos on the construction of the warped square.  Each day a different pattern, using only black and white size 11 Delicas, will be explored.  In addition, 20 minutes of each session will be used to discuss the state of the art of beads by highlighting the works of various bead artists in the world today. Session links will be posted on International Bead Week website.

It is their vision that Makers interested in contributing to this piece will view the instructional sessions and contribute the warped square(s) they construct to the compilation of the final project.

Sewing Machine Needed

Can You Help?

Anna Amegah is a refugee – a single mother with 4 children – who lives in the area. She can sew but doesn’t have a machine. Funds are very limited and she wonders if anyone has one they are not using they would give to her. If you can help, please contact

E-Transfer Now Available

GOOD NEWS: When renewing or purchasing a membership, SOFAAR can now accept e-transfers to email address The e-transfer will automatically be deposited into SOFAAR’s chequing account; no password is required. We hope this will make payment easier during this difficult time and in the future.

Membership Extension Increased to 6 Months

In the April/May issue of Snippets we announced that, due to interruption of our ability to host Saturday Snips or provide workshops, all members in good standing as of March 2021 would have their membership extended for 3 months.

Because of the ongoing COVID-19 social distancing requirements, that extension has been increased to 6 months. We are looking into options for programming that might involve meeting via Skype or Zoom and we hope to resume Saturday Snips as early as September if circumstances allow. In the meantime, we’d love to see your works-in-progress. Send them to and we’ll post them here on the website.

Saturday Snips on hold

In light of the pandemic and the need for social distancing, the SOFAAR Board has cancelled upcoming sessions of Saturday Snips until further notice. We will continue to monitor the situation and make decisions about upcoming meetings as the need arises. In the meantime, we’re lucky that fibre arts can be practiced in isolation.

This is a good time to finish UFO’s and start challenging new projects.

While Saturday Snips is on hold, we’ll publish monthly issues of Snippets. Send photos of what you’re working on to  and we’ll include them in the next issue.

SOFAAR:AGM March 14th: important notice

SOFAAR members,

As you are no doubt already know the World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 to have reached pandemic status. At this time in Canada, as reported on the Government of Canada Health site,  80% of cases are travellers and 10% are close contacts of those travellers. There are no confirmed cases in Nova Scotia at the time of writing but this can change in a moment and progress rapidly.   With this in mind let us take the following precaution:

Anyone returning within the last 14 days from a country or province with confirmed COVID-19 cases, or been in contact with anyone who has, DO NOT attend the AGM event.

We all need our immune systems to be at their best so anyone suffering colds and seasonal flu please stay at home as well.

We are all going to have parts to play in the coming weeks. If it falls to me that my part is to stay home, I will immerse myself in fibre projects and be glad to do so. If we all do our part the show and tells once the contagion has abated could be amazing.

When I became SOFAAR president I never imagined penning such an email, but at this conjuncture I feel it is essential.

Yours wanting to keep us healthy,


Cheryl den Hartog

President SOFAAR

Fibre swap and sale. March 14th 2020

Our March 14th AGM with its ever popular ‘Fibre Swap & Sale’ is

now less than a week away!

There will be four tables with stash for sale and…


Fibre swap and sale. 2018

we will also be giving away ‘fibre stash’ rejects/leftovers. So, if you have any stash stuff you’d love to see find a new home with a fellow member just contact

See you this Saturday and remember, we will also be having a Saturday Snips afternoon from 1-4 so bring along a project to work on and something for show and tell.

Saturday Snips update

We were in Digby on February 8th to enjoy a Saturday Snips.

SOFAAR was pleased to welcome two new members:

Linda Hankinson is hooking these pigs:

Can you see the kitten amongst the piglets ?

And Frances Vienot has done some lovely appliquéed fabric painting:

Rachael’s flowers in her peacock hanging really shine:

Flowers in the peacock hanging.

And Christine is working on a medieval bunny hooking:

Our next gathering will be a special one. We will have our AGM followed by a stash sale and give-away (always a hit) followed by our Snips afternoon.

We hope you will join us on Saturday, March 14th at 1 pm at Saint-Luke’s Hall on Saint-George St. in Annapolis Royal.