SOFAAR members,

As you are no doubt already know the World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 to have reached pandemic status. At this time in Canada, as reported on the Government of Canada Health site,  80% of cases are travellers and 10% are close contacts of those travellers. There are no confirmed cases in Nova Scotia at the time of writing but this can change in a moment and progress rapidly.   With this in mind let us take the following precaution:

Anyone returning within the last 14 days from a country or province with confirmed COVID-19 cases, or been in contact with anyone who has, DO NOT attend the AGM event.

We all need our immune systems to be at their best so anyone suffering colds and seasonal flu please stay at home as well.

We are all going to have parts to play in the coming weeks. If it falls to me that my part is to stay home, I will immerse myself in fibre projects and be glad to do so. If we all do our part the show and tells once the contagion has abated could be amazing.

When I became SOFAAR president I never imagined penning such an email, but at this conjuncture I feel it is essential.

Yours wanting to keep us healthy,


Cheryl den Hartog

President SOFAAR